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In light of COVID19 the 2020 Tour is now Virtual. And under construction.

Here's what I can tell you so far: 


Being able to remain resilient, not get lost in overwhelm or fear in times of trauma and crisis is needed now more than ever before. We are facing unprecedented impact: economically, personally, socially. 

This is a marathon, not a sprint. 

We are called to be innovative, flexible and we have an opportunity to be in deep service with and for each other. 


Why this program? Why now? We are facing uncertainty and unknowns globally in a way we never have before with the COVID19 pandemic. 

As more people face uncertainty with their jobs, fears of illness, fears of being exposed to infection the level of anxiety rises and our ability to remain balanced and resilient potentially diminishes. 


Steer Your Story is validated & tested now with 30+ workshops delivered and has already served the following populations in the US and Canada:  survivors of abuse, addiction, childhood sexual trauma, domestic violence, homelessness, trafficking and war. As well as those who work in trauma including case workers, counselors, ministerial staff and social workers.


These tools and techniques are in service to all of us as together we survive the current trauma of COVID19. 


As the number of traumatic events experienced increases, the risk for the following health problems increases.


People who have experienced trauma are:

  • 15 times more likely to attempt suicide

  • 4 times more likely to become an alcoholic

  • 3 times more likely to experience depression

  • 2 times more likely to have a serious financial problem


Steer Your Story seeks to lessen these numbers. 


Tour 2020 Dates are now being filled and all workshops will be offered via Zoom video until at least June 1st.


Please email Kristin at or call 215-541-4535 for more information.


The Back Story: An incredible journey: 

I  got in my car on May 4th 2019 and literally "steered my story" 13, 912 miles from Allentown, Pennsylvania all the way to Washington state then to Calgary, Alberta and arrived back east October 28th. I facilitated Steer Your Story workshops for 220 survivors and those who work in service with them.


And for me it's personal: I am one of the 1 in 4 women who are survivors of childhood sexual trauma, though that number may be as high as 40%  because often the abuse was not reported.

After attending the Haven Retreat for female survivors of childhood trauma October 2018, I realized how huge the need is for survivors to be able to shift their story to get their lives back and move forward from past trauma into the current reality of how strong, resilient, worthy and whole they are today.


And not only survivors of childhood trauma, also those who have experiences trauma from addiction, domestic violence, homelessness, sexual assault, trafficking and war.


Steer Your Story Survivors Tour provided reduced cost and free workshops:

May 4: Allentown, PA Glory House (survivors of sex trafficking)

May 11: Allentown, PA Work Force (teen leadership program)

May 15: Asheville, NC Steadfast House (female homeless veterans)

May 16: Asheville, NC Veterans Restoration Quarters (veterans program)

May 18: Nashville, TN Howard UCC (open to public, trauma informed)

June 6: Grand Rapids, MI (YWCA, survivors domestic violence & sexual trauma)

June 11: Chicago, IL This Much is True

June 13 & 14: Charles City, IA Peer Recovery Zone (trauma-informed)

June 19: Denver, CO, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, (trauma-informed)

June 30: Missoula, MT Jeannette Rankin Peace Center (social justice)

July 1: Missoula, MT BASE (at-risk youth)

July 5: Calgary, Alberta Yoga MCC (trauma-informed open to public)

July 22 & 23: Skagit Valley, WA, Unity (trauma-informed open to public)

August 5 to September 5: Calgary, Steer Your Story book writing & research

September 15: Heal Your Mind & Body After Trauma Retreat: The Heart, Braggs Creek

September 18: Healing Story Alliance Teleconference, online

October 24: Grand Rapids, MI YWCA (survivors domestic violence & sexual trauma)

Why am I so passionate and driven to continue to share Steer Your Story? 

As a survivor of childhood trauma I spent years telling myself a story that simply wasn’t true. A story of “not good enough.” This story kept me in a cycle of overachieving, co-dependent relationships, mindless busyness, and anorexia.


Today, thanks to using the tools and techniques offered in Steer Your Story I feel more empowered than ever.

I am living my purpose and passion every day. And I want to continue this program so others just like me are able to live their truth too: to shed the old story of their trauma and become the brilliance of who they are today.


Steer Your Story has received testimonials like this: 

“Thank you for helping me reclaim my narrative, Kristin. As a woman and an abuse survivor, I found this profoundly empowering. I am still experiencing the personal and professional aftershocks of the insights I made. Through your unique story-telling approach, I gained insights that I failed to make during years of therapy. You helped me look at my past mistakes as opportunities for growth, rather than as reasons to beat myself up.” Susanna P


Are you a Survivor in need of this program?

There is a Face to Face course adapted just for you. There is also a self-paced online course you can take in the comfort of your own home.


Click here to learn about the Face to Face course

Click here to learn more about the  online course

OR Contact Kristin so she can bring Steer Your Story to you and your community. 


Are you an ally who would like to support Steer Your Story so those in need have the access they need?

Then get involved! You can donate through my Paypal here: donate


Or  my Go Fund Me


I am ready to bring this program to those who need it most.

Will you help me, help others to Steer Their Story? 


You can become a part of the team:

I need help:

  • marketing

  • fundraising

  • assistance arranging organization and individual requests for programs 

And if you know an organization, group or individual who would benefit from Steer Your Story, please reach out to me:  so I can connect!

Why Support Steer Your Story?


1. The need for free and reduced fee workshops is great:  

  • With every stop on the tour I met staff and survivors through many different organizations, churches, universities and schools who requested this program

  • Populations in need: survivors of childhood sexual abuse & sex trafficking, LGTBQIA communities, homeless women and veterans.

  • More requests are coming in weekly.

  • Potential to reach, serve and help in the healing of hundreds of women (and men) 


2. Your donation will reduce the barriers to accessibility for those who need this program the most:  

  • Survivors often either cannot or will not choose to spend money on themselves because of lack of self-worth; a program that is reduced in price or free may open the door to attendance and participation.

  • Survivors often struggle with addiction, achievement gaps and low self-esteem.


3. Your donation will serve survivors to recover: 

to steer their story from lack of self-worth to realizing their full value, stepping into their skill sets, living with more self confidence and navigating life with more empowerment and ease.


4. Your donation will support the face-to-face delivery of reduced and free programs across the US  wherever they are needed for an entire year: 

  • under-served, rural areas

  • for marginalized individuals

  • organizations without funding resources to pa



*Resource: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (

To learn more about impacts of trauma on development, and life:


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